Useful Information
As part of BB22 we provided useful information for our visitors about what they could see and do at the festival, accessibility and good places to eat locally. Read on for the full info.
Map and Biennial Guide
Our printed and digital guide included introductions by the curator, information on all of the exhibitions as well as listings for all of our public programmes.

Against the hostile environment
Also included was a short guide by Lesbians and Gays Support the Migrants which explained the ways the Hostile Environment policy operates, outlined some of the things to be aware of and considered actions we might take to stand against it.

The Brent Biennial ran throughout the summer of 2022. The venues were spread across locations in Kilburn, Harlesden and Willesden, so we encouraged visitors to take their time, and not feel pressured to do too much all at once. We asked: ‘What could happen if you were to move through the Biennial slowly?’
We suggested that if people could, they might come back once, maybe twice over a series of months. And to attend events as part of our public programme, which ran throughout the Biennial. We also encouraged visitors you to stop along the way to enjoy Brent’s food and drink offers, through a handy visitor guide.
Across the Brent Biennial 2022 commissions and public programme we provided a range of accessibility offers for visitors. The work featured in the biennial spanned moving image, multi-media installation, painting, sound, sculpture, billboards and performance. It collectively aimed to provide something for everyone to enjoy.
In order to make this possible, we facilitated tours, audio-description, transcription, creative-captioning, guided touch and online screenings. Hosts were available at all sites to support visitors. Due to the variety and number of works presented, as well as the unusual nature of many of our venues, access provision varied at each site.