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Metroland Cultures came out of Brent’s year as London Borough of Culture, in 2020. Explore the archive to learn more about our programmes, commissions, and the artists we’ve supported.

Metroland Cultures came out of Brent’s year as London Borough of Culture, in 2020. 

A key aim of the London Borough of Culture year was to set up a charity to continue and develop this work. Metroland Cultures is the result.

Since 2020 we’ve been developing a programme based on what we learnt in 2020. We are testing and exploring ways to support our artists and communities, and we are helping to provide the creative infrastructure that our communities told us was missing.

We support visual artists, to help them stay and practice in the borough, and young people, who told us there was a lack of paid opportunities to gain experience of the creative industries in Brent.

Explore the archive to learn more about our programmes, commissions, and the artists we’ve supported.