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8 December 2022

Recruitment call for Metroland Young Associates 2023: Collective Rhythms

What is the future soundtrack to Brent? How do we utilise sound culture in the borough to make new collective space? How do we use sound as a political platform to showcase urgent matters and bring young people’s needs and desires to the forefront?

The second edition of our development programme for young people, Metroland Young Associates, will be back in 2023 with Collective Rhythms.

Metroland Young Associates is a 3-month paid opportunity for 20 young people from Brent between the ages of 18-24, to develop skills and experience of working in the arts and creative industries. Young people will gain access to:

  • Creative sessions with industry professionals
  • Artist workshops
  • Networking events
  • Cultural trips
  • Collectively designing an event
  • A mentor to support you in your professional direction
  • Professional development training
  • Arts Award qualification