21 July 2021
Adam Farah and Zeinab Saleh at Camden Art Centre
Pictured: Adam Farah, WHAT I’VE LEARNED FROM YOU AND MYSELF (THE GOLDEN MAGICIAN MIX), 2021 / Zeinab Saleh, Breathing, 2021
We’re thrilled to announce two upcoming exhibitions at Camden Art Centre featuring two of our Metroland Studio artists, Adam Farah and Zeinab Saleh. The exhibitions will open on Friday 10 September 2021 and run until 31 December, 2021.
Adam Farah – also known as free.yard – is an artist, composer and sauce-maker. Farah’s exhibition at Camden Art Centre is a presentation of their emotional journey through the chaotic depths of heartache and layers of trauma and desire, against the backdrop of a rapidly mutating city during a pandemic. His exhibition is titled WHAT I’VE LEARNED FROM YOU AND MYSELF (PEAK MOMENTATIONS / INSIDE MY VELVET ROPE MIX).
Zeinab Saleh’s exhibition Softest place (on earth) elaborates on the London-based artist’s interdisciplinary practice. Drawing on VHS tapes of home video footage and music that has personal significance to her, Saleh’s work offers a glimpse into a past world and places personal histories at its core.
Both artists are residents at Metroland Studio in Kilburn. The exhibitions are supported by Metroland Cultures in partnership with Brent Council, with funding from Arts Council National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Read more about the exhibitions at Camden Art Centre here and here.